About Me

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Fairfield , California, United States
An artist-go-lucky go-lightly, native San Franciscan, eupraxsophist plus pacifist, and a twin to boot am I.


Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Venus and the Daystar.
For the second and last time this century, Venus transits the disk of the sun. Hesper is about to become Lucifer.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Partial Lunar Eclipse

Earth's umbra silences the moon.
A second celestial event in under three weeks: the partial eclipse of the moon.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Partial Solar Eclipse

Mid eclipse.
The time is 6:28pm PDT, the height of the partial solar eclipse occurring over the skies of the Bay Area. I slap my protective sunglasses over the lens of my tiny digital camera and snap a shot. The crescent is slightly overexposed and out of focus, but I didn't think I would capture even this much.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Art Murmur / First Fridays

Birdie Roy and I are about to enjoy Art Murmur in Oakland. However, on our way I couldn't help but notice the gibbous moon rising in the east. The pinkish Belt of Venus can also just be glimpsed near the horizon.

Later that evening. we stopped by "Murder Burger" (Giant Burger) to view all the vintage show cars parked around the drive in joint.

Saturday, January 21, 2012


Sunday, January 21, 1962.

My twin couldn't believe her eyes or the notion of snow that morning fifty years ago, calling the wintery phenomenon the next best thing instead...

(Family photographs pending)

Here is a Pathé Newsreel clip of the event.