About Me

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Fairfield , California, United States
An artist-go-lucky go-lightly, native San Franciscan, eupraxsophist plus pacifist, and a twin to boot am I.


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

An Out of These Limits Birthday Wish!

It's an established fact that my twin is years younger than am I! Nevertheless, it is that time of year again to send her my felicitations.

I thought I commemorate her special day by also paying homage to my favorite television series. Come this September 16th, it will have passed a milestone of its own.

The TV pictured in my presentation happens to be the 17" portable Zenith Y222Y our parents use to own.

For those into astronomy or the anthology series, the galaxy you see is Messier 81. It appears in reverse under the show's end credits.

Happy Birthday, Georgene GR!

First season end credit theme by Dominic Frontiere.