About Me

My photo
Fairfield , California, United States
An artist-go-lucky go-lightly, native San Franciscan, eupraxsophist plus pacifist, and a twin to boot am I.


Friday, December 29, 2023

Nohemi Sanchez Marquez (backdated)


From my Facebook page:

My gentle cousin, Nohemi Marquez, has today joined her late brother Tali Sanchez, for whom she cared, these many years. 

Nohemi, whose married name incidentally, is identical to my long departed mom’s maiden name, was a loving soul. May she rest in peace.

Addendum: Here below is the Facebook graphic which Nohemi’s church posted.

Monday, December 11, 2023

Ho, Ho, High on a Ladder (backdated)


With my trusty tool pouch, I ascend the ladder to untangle the Christmas lights I have just mounted to the front edge of the house. Yvette snaps my derring-do. Why, I must be five feet off the floor at least! 


Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Neftali Sanchez: My Cousin (backdated)


From my Facebook page:

Today it is with profound sadness, I announce the passing of my first cousin Neftali Sanchez (1934~2023) a truly remarkable man. Wounded during the Korean conflict, having lost to a booby trap both forearms and sight, he nevertheless went on to accomplish so much with his life. Indomitable and undaunted Tali seemed. 

Indeed, since my earliest childhood, the day Tali, sixty five years ago, first came into my awareness until now, he has proven an indelible benchmark and inspiration. 

Now no longer with us, the collective heart of my immediate family cries out.

Dearest Tali, how beloved you were.

(Photo by his niece, Raquel Gonzalez-Ortega)
(Poem by me)