About Me

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Fairfield , California, United States
An artist-go-lucky go-lightly, native San Franciscan, eupraxsophist plus pacifist, and a twin to boot am I.


Monday, June 5, 2017

The Last Watch

Charlie and the moon.

 The gibbous moon looks down a final time on you. Her waxing shape reflecting in your waning eyes. She will set early never to return to them. It is I however, who will knowingly see you to that endless sleep, all the while visualizing our past, and how you nightly use to watch over me. Now, even as you exhale the last intake of life, your constant gaze keeps true to its charge. Goodbye my dearest Charlie.

Charlie (2001 ~ 2017)

There's a grey pall over the house today. We had to put our beloved Charlie down as she was terminally ill and fading rapidly. She was sixteen. Here's a collage of our majestic feline.

Charlie (Monday, March 5, 2001 ~ Monday, June 5, 2017)